Dermalize Protective Film can and is indeed used after tattoo removal sittings. It is a medical film commonly used in post-surgery treatment, which is slightly more breathable and flexible, so more suitable for small or large scale tattoos. As indicated by the dermatologists we rely to ourselves and that are currently using our product, please note that after laser tattoo removal Dermalize Protective Film should be replaced more frequently during the first 2 days. It is better to change the film 2 or 3 times a day in the first day, depending on how much exuding fluid your body is actually releasing under the Dermalize Protective Film. In the next days, when the skin starts being dry, make sure to apply a minimum amount of ointment on the treated skin area (cream or lotion that your doctor will prescribe or our Dermalize Velvet Cream) and put the protective tattoo film on top, in order to be protected during the day.
Remember just a very little bit of Dermalize Velvet Cream under the bandage and just on top of the tattoo removal area only (just a very tiny tiny bit of it, which must not stay on the surface of the skin).
Please also remember to take into account the kind of laser technology that you are using:
if you use PICO lasers, in theory you should not get any blisters and so Dermalize Protective Film can be used exactly as on a regular tattoo.
if you use Q-SWITCHED lasers, you will likely get blisters (sometimes also pretty large ones), so Dermalize Protective Film can be used, but only by making sure that a suitable amount of Dermalize Velvet Cream is placed between skin and protective film; this is intended to avoid any tearing of the blistered skin, when removing the bandage. When the blisters start drying, it is advisable to let the treated area breathe as much as possible, preferably without any cover on top.
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